Make Your Small Business Boom
A few simple ways to make your small business boom These days it seems like many are shying away from large corporations and sticking with small, local businesses. But if you haven’t seen an increase in sales then maybe you aren’t doing the correct things to make your small business boom. Growing your business can […]
Hackschooling – Proof it works This extremely well spoken 13 year-old little legend Logan LaPlante talks to us about the wonders of hackschooling. He shares with us what he wants to be when he grows up – happy and healthy. He tells us exactly how hacking his education is helping him achieve this goal in life. […]
Traits All Successful Entrepreneurs Share
6 Traits all successful entrepreneurs share If you’re reading this, you’re probably wondering whether you’ve got what it takes to be an entrepreneur. It’s true that you’ve either got what it takes or you haven’t, and by taking a look at our checklist of the traits all successful entrepreneurs share, you’ll be closer to knowing […]
History Of Social Media
The history of social media Due to the sudden explosion of Facebook and Twitter, it’s easy to think that social media is new – but in fact, it isn’t new at all. The history of social media can be traced all the way back to the 1950’s, and then it eventually exploded into mainstream culture, […]
Raise Money Without Product
How to raise money without product The beginnings of any startup are the toughest. You have no product and yet you still need investment. Significant investment. Naturally, it’s easy to become miserable and believe that it just isn’t possible to raise the required funds unless you’ve got a product. Logically, you think investors want to […]
Increase Customer Loyalty
Tactics To Increase Customer Loyalty It’s a well-known fact in business that retaining customers costs much less than finding new ones. Yet, for whatever reason, many small businesses continue to neglect ways to increase customer loyalty, and instead devote most of their time to finding new ones. Yet studies have shown that if a business […]
Getting Started On Pinterest
Getting started on Pinterest – It’s Easy Peasy Getting started on Pinterest isn’t rocket science, but if you’re not sure what it’s all about, as well as how you can use it for personal use and to boost your business, then you need to learn a little more before you get yourself pinning with the […]
Attract More Visitors To Your Website
Attract more visitors to your website – how it’s done It’s a widely understood fact that websites generate big money for businesses, so it’s no wonder that the drive to generate traffic is at the forefront of the mind in terms of marketing. More people visiting a website means more chance of purchasing goods and […]
Writing A Killer Web Design Brief
The secrets to writing a killer web design brief Get it right the first time These days we all understand the importance of the Internet, and the fact that basically everything we do nowadays, from banking to shopping, searching for information, to watching TV, is all done online in some guise. You could argue that […]
Get Your Business Noticed By Google
A few simple ways to get your business noticed by Google We all know that Google is the search engine that most people go to on a regular basis to find businesses and so much more information. Think about how many times per day you head to the website to find something out, and then […]