Substitute Bad Habits With Good Ones

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Substitute bad habits with good ones – How it’s done

All of us suffer from bad habits of one kind or another. Sometimes in moderation, these habits may not have a significantly detrimental effect on our lives. However eventually, and often seemingly without warning, a bad habit can begin to affect our health, happiness, and productivity.

Substitute Bad Habits With Good Ones

All bad habits have their root in one of two causes – stress or boredom. Often it is hard to admit that a problem exists until it has already become a major issue. The first step is to be honest with yourself about the severity of the habit, and the problems which causes it to occur.

Start by …

Making a note of the frequency at which the habit occurs – How many cigarettes a day? How much time wasted on social media/television/online gaming?  The problem may already be worse than you thought, but don’t lose hope just yet.

At this stage…

It may seem that you will never overcome your bad habit. However, analyzing the problem and breaking it down into manageable goals, will help baluster your confidence as your progress from one milestone to the next.

Often bad habits…

Will provide some positive benefits to our life, and it can be difficult to envisage yourself living without them. That is why it is important to learn how to replace bad habits with good ones. It is all too easy for a new bad habit to appear in place of the first.

In some cases…

The bad habit may be a ‘reward’. Perhaps you ‘reward’ yourself with a cigarette after cycling to work. Or maybe you ‘reward’ yourself with a few hours of your favourite tv show after a productive day. The problem with rewarding yourself this way, is that it attaches a positive association to a bad habit. Change begins with changing the way in which you view the problem.

Once you have…

Identified your bad habit and its cause, you need to find a positive habit to replace it with. Perhaps you have had an idea for a business, but have never really taken the time to look at the idea in detail. Instead of sitting down in front of the TV when you get home, or going out for a smoke on you 10 minute break, open up your browser and research your idea, create a bookmark folder to store useful pages for later reference.

Whatever ‘positive habit’ you chose…

Remember that it should be something that is important to you. This will give you the feeling of progressing in an optimistic direction. You will soon find that the stress or boredom that instigated the undesirable behaviour will affect you less and less each day. This being because your new constructive habit will provide the impetus for beneficial change.

If you have the habit of neglecting important work where needed for your business, help is here. The team at Easy Consulting can create stand-out websites, punchy social media marketing, and perform highly effective SEO. To get hold of the best Gold Coast marketing team, all you need to do is contact us!