How To Handle Criticism

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How to handle criticism – The best way to handle it

Stefan Molyneux, the speaker in this video shares his views on how to handle criticism. He says: If you want to do anything in this life, particularly to do with the moral improvement of mankind, you may run into the odd stitch or two of criticism. This is totally natural and healthy. Anyone who wants to propose an ethical progress of humans should be subject to the very strictest amount of skepticism. Perhaps even hostility, that seems to be entirely right.

If you suggest a moral improvement of mankind and you get it wrong, whether it be – A French revolution instead of an American one, or if you get communism instead of capitalism, the lives of hundreds of millions of people hang in the balance. So yes, we should be enormously skeptical towards anyone who claims to improve the moral standing of mankind.

Morality is the third rail, not of politics but life itself. Anyone who claims a revolution in ethics should be subject to the most withering, sandblasting scrutiny in skepticism and Stefan welcomes this approach. If you do anything important, you will be criticised. You can’t lift up a finger in this world without 10 thousand people screaming at you that it ought to be a thumb.

This is nothing to do with you, but everything to do with them.

Here’s a video that will show you the best way to handle criticism. It could really come in handy one day!

How To Handle Criticism With Ease