Increase Employee Productivity

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How to increase employee productivity

What employer doesn’t want to increase the productivity of their employees? Productivity is the key to success, right? So having happy, committed and productive employees is the goal of every company or organisation. But how to increase employee productivity can be the question that many employers ask themselves.

There are numerous means on how to increase employee productivity in the workplace. However, each organisation must determine the best ways within their group to increase productivity.

Increase Employee Productivity

Here are some of the ways that many businesses choose to work to increase their employee productivity in the workplace.

Be clear on expectations

One of the fastest ways to frustrate employees is to be conflicting or unclear in what you expect from them. It is imperative to be clear on your expectations from the start. If you are, you will find that your employees are more focused and productive.

Recognise and reward the small things

It is important to remember to recognise and reward even the little achievements within your company. Creating a culture of praise and recognition will make your employees feel valued and appreciated. It doesn’t have to be a huge bonus, though obviously those are very appreciated. Just giving some public or even private recognition will help your employees feel they are contributing, therefore raising their productivity.

Create a culture of teamwork

No one employee should be valued over another. It takes a team to make a business successful. Working together as a team to meet company goals should be where you place the focus of your personnel. You never know when a little healthy competition between team members might take your company to a new level.

Train and retrain

Employees become irritated when their bosses get upset with them for not doing their job properly, but were never trained properly on how to do their job in the first place. How to increase employee productivity is to ensure all staff members are fully trained and able to do their job effectively. With the right training on new technology or advances in the field, you employees will become more productive and efficient. This will only benefit you and your company in the long run.

Know your personnel

No one wants to work for someone that doesn’t know them at all. If you feel like a number, you only motivated by the arrival of you paycheck, doing the minimum required to receive this paycheck. But when employees feel they are a part of something, and feel that their employers know them and are truly interested in them, they feel connected to their company. This makes them naturally WANT to do a good job – they WANT to be productive. Knowing your people tells them that you care and will only be a motivation for them.

Be flexible

Going hand-in-hand with knowing your personnel is being flexible. If you have a stale, rigid workplace you will likely find that your workers are less than motivated to go the extra mile for the company. But if you are flexible in your workplace, meaning you may consider telecommuting options if possible in your company, or flexible schedules to accommodate those with school or family needs. You will see a huge difference in your staff!

Don’t micromanage

One of the biggest complaints of many employees is that their employers seem to micromanage them. When you hire someone to do their job and then train them on that job, you need to then trust them to do the job. If they haven’t given you reason to NOT trust them, then you need to let them work and not nitpick each step of their work. Let them work, shine, give guidance where needed and trust your team to get the job done.

Lead by example

Leading by example is probably the most important thing you can do to determine how to increase employee productivity. Set the example of teamwork, productivity, and a positive attitude and you will likely see your employees following suit.

The key to how to increase productivity in your employees is to have a balance of a great workplace, with the right attitude to make sure everyone is trained for their job, doing their job, and working together to ensure success for your company. When you put all these together you will most certainly have a motivated team that will not only be productive but WANT to be productive to see the company succeed.

One team who doesn’t need an increase in productivity is Easy Consulting. Our squad work together to make sure that our clients are being taken care of in every instance. We can do so much for a company who wants to be noticed – from online newsletters, to creative website designing, and everything in between. Contact us today and let us know how we can help you!